Are you as obsessed with AlfaFrens as I am? If you’re managing a channel, knowing who your supporters are—and being able to reward your most loyal stakers—is crucial. But until now, efficiently gathering useful information and obtaining Ethereum addresses for your devoted followers has been a major hurdle.
Fear not! I've developed a streamlined method to automatically retrieve detailed subscriber data, including ETH addresses, directly from FIDs. This guide will walk you through setting up a system that not only personalizes your interactions but also makes rewarding your valuable supporters a breeze.

Sign Up for Airstack
If you've been exploring or building within the Farcaster ecosystem, you're probably aware that Airstack is a treasure trove of tools, APIs, and documentation. It's invaluable, especially since it provides essential data that AlfaFrens doesn’t yet offer. Here’s how to get started:
Create an Account: Head over to the Airstack website and sign up. Simple and straightforward.
Secure an API Key: While setting up your account, request an API key. This key is crucial as it will bridge Airstack’s data with your Google Sheets, unlocking new depths of subscriber insights. Keep this key secure and handy.
With your Airstack account ready, you're set to revolutionize how you manage and engage with your subscribers. Next, we'll dive into extracting your subscriber data and setting the stage for automation.
Exporting Data from AlfaFrens
AlfaFrens simplifies the process of exporting the FIDs of your subscribers and stakers directly from a Farcaster frame.
Here’s how to do it:
Start Exploring: Visit the specific Farcaster frame linked here and click "Start Exploring"
Select Data Type: Choose to export data for either "subs" or "stakers".
Check Status and Export: Click "Check status" to see if the data is ready. Once it is, a link will appear allowing you to download the data as a CSV file.
With your data in hand, you’re ready to move on to the exciting part—setting up Google Sheets for automation and bringing this data to life.
Automating Data Retrieval Inside Google Sheets
It's time to turn these FIDs into actionable insights. Google Sheets, coupled with Google Apps Script, offers a powerful platform to automate this data transformation. Here’s how to get it all set up:
Prepare Your Spreadsheet:
Open Google Sheets and start a new spreadsheet.
Name your spreadsheet for easy identification (e.g., "AlfaFrens Subscribers").
Set Up Google Apps Script:
Click on
in the menu, then selectApps Script
.Delete any pre-existing code in the script editor that opens up.
Copy and paste the script provided below or on Github (ensure you replace placeholders like
with actual values from your Airstack account). This script will pull additional data like Ethereum addresses and profile names based on the FIDs.Save and name your project (e.g., "AF Sub Data Fetch").
Import Your CSV Data:
Return to your Google Sheet.
Bring in the FIDs from the CSV file you downloaded into the spreadsheet. Ensure that the FIDs are in the first column.
Execute the Script:
Under the
menu, you should now see a custom menu item titled "️ " or similar, based on your script setup. If you don't see it, you may need to refresh.Click this menu and select
to run your script.The script will execute, populating your spreadsheet with rich data fetched via Airstack.
Verify and Utilize the Data:
Once the script completes, your sheet will be filled with information about each subscriber like user name, follow count, follower count, and a link to their Warpcast account. If a user has an attached ENS domain, you'll find that here. If not, you can grab one of their additional connected Ethereum addresses.
Use this data to enhance your interactions, tailor your content, or directly send rewards and communications.
Automation Script
function updateETHAddresses() {
// Access the active sheet
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
// Define the range of user IDs to update
const range = sheet.getRange("A2:A" + sheet.getLastRow());
const fids = range.getValues();
// Set API credentials and endpoint
const apiKey = 'YOUR_AIRSTACK_API_KEY';
const url = '';
// Iterate over each user ID to fetch and update information
fids.forEach((row, index) => {
// GraphQL query for user's social profile and associated Ethereum addresses
const userQuery = `query MyQuery($userId: String, $blockchain: Blockchain!) {
Socials(input: {filter: {userId: {_eq: $userId}}, blockchain: $blockchain}) {
Social {
// Define variables for the GraphQL query
const userVariables = {
userId: row[0].toString(),
blockchain: "ethereum"
// Set options for HTTP request
const userOptions = {
'method' : 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey
'payload' : JSON.stringify({
query: userQuery,
variables: userVariables
'muteHttpExceptions': true
// Fetch user data from Airstack API
const userResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, userOptions);
const userJson = JSON.parse(userResponse.getContentText());
// Check if user data is available and process it
if ( && && && > 0) {
const social =[0];
const profileName = social.profileName || "";
const profileUrl = profileName ? `${encodeURIComponent(profileName)}` : "";
const profileLink = profileName ? `=HYPERLINK("${profileUrl}", "${profileName}")` : "";
const followerCount = social.followerCount || "";
const followingCount = social.followingCount || "";
const isPowerUser = social.isFarcasterPowerUser ? "Yes" : "";
const addresses = social.userAssociatedAddresses || [];
// Fetch ENS domains for the Ethereum addresses
const ensQuery = `query MyQuery($address: [Identity!]) {
Domains(input: {filter: {owner: {_in: $address}}, blockchain: ethereum}) {
Domain {
// Set options for HTTP request to fetch ENS domains
const ensOptions = {
'method' : 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey
'payload' : JSON.stringify({
query: ensQuery,
variables: { address: addresses.length > 0 ? addresses : [""] }
'muteHttpExceptions': true
// Fetch ENS domain names
const ensResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, ensOptions);
const ensJson = JSON.parse(ensResponse.getContentText());
const ensDomain = && && && > 0
?[0].name : "";
// Update sheet with fetched data
sheet.getRange("B" + (index + 2)).setFormula(profileLink);
sheet.getRange("C" + (index + 2)).setValue(followerCount);
sheet.getRange("D" + (index + 2)).setValue(followingCount);
sheet.getRange("E" + (index + 2)).setValue(isPowerUser);
sheet.getRange("F" + (index + 2)).setValue(ensDomain);
sheet.getRange("G" + (index + 2)).setValue(addresses.join(", "));
} else {
// Handle cases where no data is found
sheet.getRange(index + 2, 2, 1, 6).setValues([["", "", "", "", "", ""]]);
* Adds a custom menu to the Google Sheet on open, facilitating the execution of the update function.
function onOpen() {
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('Update', 'updateETHAddresses')
Conclusion: A Smarter Way to Manage Your AF Supporters
You're now equipped to manage your subscribers and stakers more effectively, personalize interactions, and reward your community in meaningful ways.
Was this helpful? Stay tuned for more tips and strategies:
Follow me on Farcaster
Join the conversation on My AlfaFrens Channel
Is there a way to get the wallets from all of our subscribers?
This is still my favorite way More guides and resources here:
Thank you! 5000 $FOMO
Couple of good resources on /alfafrens /via @itsbasil and @jordanlyall
I want to join @kbc 's channel/group/thing, but am having operator error downloading the damn thing :/ Which means I loose patience and start doing other things...
@0xfran might help
Who built the best tools around @alfafrens? Want to promote great tools. Post links & pitch. Your own project or nominate someone else. I will pick my 3 favorites and stake 5k ALFA in their channels for a while! Will decide this weekend. Vote on replies to influence my decision! Share & recast for more reach 🙌
@goshop and earlier on @ahhaa
Also use @jordanlyall 's tutorial
it got to be @degenfans 💯 👍 💪 69 $degen
yep yep
@degenfans and @goshop get My votes!
My top tools are by @degenfans and @goshop ! And I'm sure @nikolaii.eth and @rjs will cook up something amazing but they haven't released anything related to AlfaFrens yet for me to pitch 😅
Not an artist but want to grow my own channel without BOOST 😉 Also decided to post a bunch of memes to bring a little smile on my subscribers faces 🤡 Subed to your channel as well 🫂
This is amazing thank you @taimonania! Is this Thing 1? Here is the popular dashboard for your profile on AlfaFrens Here are the amazing features ✅Dashboards ✅Total Sub Cost ✅Worst Stakes ✅Worst Subs ✅Current gas ✅Filtering ✅Find new Subscriptions
This is Thing 3, but the first one I announced.
How do i extract wallet addresses from my @alfafrens subscribers? Is there an easy way? @rjs
Right now @jordanlyall seems to have the best option
thanks 10 $DEGEN
online onchain inframe
moisturized focused flourishing
I liked your first cast, but I like this one even better lol
extremely unbothered
hey! gm i remember you shared a script to pull fid´s verified addresses, but cant find it. mind sharing it? thanks!
hey, no problem. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done.
<3 150 $DEGEN
This week I built a tool that turns FIDs into rich user profiles + ETH addresses using @airstack.eth right inside Google Sheets A great use case is to track and reward your @alfafrens subs and stakers Here’s the plugin and step-by-step instructions 🫂
@toadyhawk.eth ⠀ 40 $degen
ABB always be building. 🍖 x 50
I have a problem on this step: Set Up Google Apps Script: Click on Extensions in the menu, then select Apps Script. I can't find the Extensions tab! Any help please? @jordanlyall dmed
Maybe you're on a version of Google Apps that blocks certain things? Like a work account?
Oh this step is on google sheets??
Woah thank you!
🔫 Moneygun Summary for @jordanlyall Success: 35 users Failed: 1 users Tip per user: 20
Super handy 👌
@jsheps ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ 60 $degen
Okay, I’ll get on alfafriends now. 🙄🫡🤣
@kapuster ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 40 $degen